Monday, March 17, 2014

A Life Style Change: Clean Eating, Exercise & Time Management

I have always considered myself to be, for the most part, healthy. I don't eat out a lot and I cook most of the food I eat, but recently I realized several things, 1) just because I cook doesn't mean it's good for me, 2) I need to manage my time better, 3) I need to start exercising again, and 4) just because I am thin does not mean I am healthy!

I am not sure why I started realizing these things. It could be that I will be 29 this year. It could be that I have two kids and a secret fear they could get diabetes or childhood obesity (I know this is unlikely but it's always lingering in the back of my mind). It could be that I have seen several people on Facebook embrace a healthy life style and I want to follow suit. Or it could be the fact that my mom passed away at a young age and life is too precious to waste. I really don't know, but I do know that things have to change. I know this will be a huge adjustment for me and my family, but I am ready to take on the challenge.

Some things I will be trying out include Clean Eating, exercise DVD's, and cleaning and purging my house.

Wish me luck and stay with me on this new chapter!


  1. Lots of luck to you, Lindsey! I've also been having some fears about setting a good example for Malcolm with food and exercise, making changes myself these days. Would love to see new recipes and what videos you enjoy!

    1. Thank you! I will need the luck! Lauren gave me a Jillian Michaels DVD that worked for her after Raegan was born so I think I will try that out first. She did warn me that it can get intense! I will keep you posted and good luck to you as well!

  2. Git it gurl! You can totally do it! <3

    1. Thanks Briana! I know it will be challenging but worth the benefits.


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